Demo! Zero Data loss App Recovery in Kubernetes aka Disaster Recovery

For the demo I have 2 Kubernetes clusters with a single stretched Portworx cluster in AWS. This allows Metro DR to mirror the data between the 2 clusters so if there is a complete loss of Cluster 1 the application can be restarted with no loss of data.

You can have active workloads on both clusters. Just FYI.

Lots of new things to learn over the last month. I wanted to present everyone with my first demo with #portworxbypure. The official documentation is here. Always read the docs on how to set it up.

For the demo I have 2 Kubernetes clusters with a single stretched Portworx cluster in AWS. This allows Metro DR to mirror the data between the 2 clusters so if there is a complete loss of Cluster 1 the application can be restarted with no loss of data. The ELB in Amazon can be set to provide little interaction when getting your app back up and working, for this demo I tell the the deployment to fail over. Sort of the big red button for failover. Like all the things Cloud Native this can be automated.

Please check out this demo on YouTube and let me know what you think.

There are of course many options when it comes to how your app will work and this is for a basic web frontend and database. Scale out databases can be treated different. It all depends on how your application is architected and what the DR requirements will be.