I am pretty excited to be doing a webinar with Weaveworks on Weave Kubernetes Platform and Pure Storage. I met Damani at Kubecon and Re:Invent and we have been talking about doing this for months. I am excited to integrate Pure Service Orchestrator and Pure Storage into a platform providing a full collection of what you need to run k8s. Some things we will cover:
- How the Weave Kubernetes Platform and its GitOps workflows unify deployment, management, and monitoring for clusters and apps
- How Pure Service Orchestrator accelerates application build and delivery with 6 9’s storage uptime. PSO works for ON PREM and Public Cloud
- Live Demo – I am going to show some CSI goodness. Promise.

Use this link to register now!
Some other important questions you might have from this pic:

When did JO’s beard explode into this?