Testing Apache Kafka in Portworx Data Services

With the GA of Portworx Data Services I needed a way to connect some test applications with Apache Kafka. Kafka is one of the most asked for Data Services in PDS. Deploying Kafka is very easy with PDS but I wanted to show how it easy it was for a data team to connect their application to Kafka in PDS. I was able to find a kafka-python library, so I started working on a couple of things.

  1. A python script to create some kind of load on Kafka.
  2. Containerize it, so I can make it easy and repeatable.
  3. Create the kubernetes deployments so it is quick and easy.

This following github repo is the result of that project.

See the repo for the steps on setting up the secret and deployments in K8s to use with your PDS Kafka, honestly it should work with any Kafka deployment where you have the connection service, username and password.

A quick demo of it all in action

Check out the youtube demo I did above to see it all in action.

Building the Python Twitter Bot with Jenkins and Kubernetes – part 3

This is the third part of the blogs I have been writing to document building a Python based twitter bot and running it in a container and deploying it to Kubernetes. The first post was about building the python, the second was all about building the docker container and using a deployment in Kubernetes. This last part pulls it all together and lets Github, Jenkins and Kubernetes do the work for you.

Getting Started


  1. Working Kubernetes Cluster
  2. Working Container Registry and your Kubernetes cluster is able to pull images from it.
  3. Jenkins and a service account Jenkins can use to do things in K8s.


Go ahead and fork my repo https://github.com/2vcps/python-twitter-bot to your own github account.
Now looking at the Jenkinsfile below inside of the repo. Some things for your to modify for your environment.

  1. Create a serviceAccount to match the serviceAccountName field in the yaml. This is the permissions the pod building and deploying the bot will use to run during the process. If you get this wrong. There will be errors.
  2. make the the images in the file all exist in your private registry. The first image tag you see is used to run kubectl and kustomize. I suggest building this image from the cloud builders public repo. The docker file is here:
    The second image used is public kaniko image. Now using that specific build is the only way it will function inside of a container. Kaniko is a standalone tool to build container images. Does not require root access to the docker engine like a ‘docker build’ command does. Also notice there is a harbor-config volume that allows kaniko to push to my harbor registry. Please create the secret necessary for your container registry.
    Also notice the kubectl portion is commented out and is only left behind for reference. The Kustomize image contains both kubetctl and kustomize commands.
  3. Last thing to take note of is the commands kustomize uses to create a new deployment.yaml called builddeploy.yaml. This way we can build and tag the container image each time and the deployements will be updated with the new tag. We avoid using “latest” as that can cause issues and is not best practice.

podTemplate(yaml: """
kind: Pod
  serviceAccountName: jenkins-k8s
  - name: kustomize
    image: yourregistry/you/kustomize:3.4
    - cat
    tty: true
    - name: IMAGE_TAG
      value: ${BUILD_NUMBER}
  - name: kubectl
    image: gcr.io/cloud-builders/kubectl
    - cat
    tty: true
    - name: IMAGE_TAG
      value: ${BUILD_NUMBER}
  - name: kaniko
    image: gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:debug-539ddefcae3fd6b411a95982a830d987f4214251
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    - /busybox/cat
    tty: true
    - name: DOCKER_CONFIG
      value: /root/.docker/
    - name: IMAGE_TAG
      value: ${BUILD_NUMBER}
      - name: harbor-config
        mountPath: /root/.docker
    - name: harbor-config
        name: harbor-config
  ) {

  node(POD_LABEL) {
    def myRepo = checkout scm
    def gitCommit = myRepo.GIT_COMMIT
    def gitBranch = myRepo.GIT_BRANCH
    stage('Build with Kaniko') {
      container('kaniko') {
        sh '/kaniko/executor -f `pwd`/Dockerfile -c `pwd` --skip-tls-verify --destination=yourregistry/you/py-bot:latest --destination=yourregistry/you/py-bot:v$BUILD_NUMBER'
    stage('Deploy and Kustomize') {
      container('kustomize') {
        sh "kubectl -n ${JOB_NAME} get pod"
        sh "kustomize edit set image yourregistry/you/py-bot:v${BUILD_NUMBER}"
        sh "kustomize build > builddeploy.yaml"
        sh "kubectl get ns ${JOB_NAME} || kubectl create ns ${JOB_NAME}"
        sh "kubectl -n ${JOB_NAME} apply -f builddeploy.yaml"
        sh "kubectl -n ${JOB_NAME} get pod"
    // stage('Deploy with kubectl') {
    //   container('kubectl') {
    //     // sh "kubectl -n ${JOB_NAME} get pod"
    //     // sh "kustomize version"
    //     sh "kubectl get ns ${JOB_NAME} || kubectl create ns ${JOB_NAME}"
    //     sh "kubectl -n ${JOB_NAME} apply -f deployment.yaml"
    //     sh "kubectl -n ${JOB_NAME} get pod"
    //   }
    // }

Create a jenkins pipeline and name it however you like, the important part is to set the Pipeline section to “Pipleline script from SCM”. This way Jenkins knows to use the Jenkinsfile in the git repository.

Webhooks and Build Now

Webhooks are what Github uses to push a new build to Jenkins. Due to the constraints of my environment I am not able to do this. My Jenkins instance cannot be contacted by the public API of Github. For now I have to click “Build Now” manually. I do suggest in a fully automated scenario investigating how to configure webhooks so that on every commit you can trigger a new pipeline build.
What the build is successful you should see some lovely green stages like below. In this example there are only 2 stages. Build with Kaniko, this builds the container image and pushes to my internal repo (Harbor). Then Deploy and Kustomize, which takes the new image and updates the 3 deployments in my Kubernetes cluster.

Output from Kubectl:

Python Twitter Bot

So during Pure kickoff last week I did several sessions on Pure Storage and Kubernetes for our yearly Tech Summit. It was very fun to prepare for. I wanted to do something different and I decided to take my py-bot I was running on my raspberry pi and up-level with integration into K8s and the FlashBlade with PVC’s. This first post is to just go over the python code and how it works and what you need to do to get it working for yourself.

Check out the repo on github: https://github.com/2vcps/python-twitter-bot


This is a Twitterbot. Built to run on Kubernetes and also uses Pure Service Orchestrator for persistent data.
Take a look at the code in ./bots

  • autoreply.py – code to reply to mentions
  • config.py – sets the API connection
  • followFollowers_data.py – Follows anyone that follows you, then writes some of their recent tweets to a CSV on a pure-file FlashBlade filesystem
  • followFollowers.py – All the followback with no data collection
  • tweet_game_score.py – future
  • tweet_game_setup.py – future

Testing the code on your machine


  • python3
  • twitter account with API keys
  • Pure Service Orchestrator and working Kubernetes

Step 1
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 2
Create env variables for each key. The config.py will pull from the local OS. In this case your local machine.

export CONSUMER_KEY='some key'
export CONSUMER_SECRET='some secret'
export ACCESS_TOKEN='some token'
export ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET='some token secret'

For the autoreply.py and favretweet.py you need a search key too.

export SEARCH_KEY='the thing I search for'

Be careful, if you are testing the favretweet.py program and use a common word for search you will see many many likes and retweets.

Step 3
Run the code.If all is working you will see logs and action on twitter.

$ python ./bots/autoreply.py 
Example output:

INFO:root:API createdINFO:root:Retrieving mentions
INFO:root:Searching for purestorage kubernetes
INFO:root:Retrieving mentionsINFO:root:1222564855921758209

It will continue to run so hit control-C to exit.

Now it is time to impress your boss and use big words like kubernetes. Read on in the next post below about how to run this bot as a deployment in kubernetes.

Image result for dilbert kubernetes

Go to the next level:
Run py-bot in Kubernetes

K8s + Python + Twitter + Pi

This all started as I was needing a side project. I had purchased a Raspberry Pi 4 in July but was looking for a great way to use it. Then in August I received another Pi 3 from the vExpert Community at VMworld.

I setup the Pi 3 to be an AirPlay speaker for my old basement stereo. What does this have to do with K8s? Nothing.

I took the Pi 4 and purchased 3 more to complete a mini-rack cluster using K3s. https://k3s.io/ this is a crazy easy way to get Kubernetes up and running when you really don’t want to mess with the internals of everything. Perfect for the raspberry pi.

So I know have a single master cluster with 3 worker nodes. Although the master can run workload too… so actually. Four node cluster is best way to describe it.

First was a multi-node deployment of Minio to front end my ancient Iomega Nas. I wrote some Python to take timelapse photos from my PiZero camera and push them into Minio. Pretty cool and should work with any S3 interface (hint hint).

Next was I wanted to make something that could help me do a little more with Python. So I took a look at Tweepy and created a twitter developer account. @Jonbot17 was born.

Take a look at my github page for the code so far.


It Retweets and likes things. It also follows you back if you follow it.

My bot wasn’t just shadow banned but banned banned. So it would retweet any tweet with #PureAccelerate, then the conference started, the account did a little too much activity for twitter. I guess 1000 tweets in a few hours is too much for the platform.

Does anyone have any other ideas of what I should run on my k3s’s and Pi4 cluster?

Image result for pie